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John Anthony has advanced certifications in Dog Emotion & Cognition (Duke University), Animal Welfare & Behavior (University of Edinburgh), along with being a Certified Trial Decoy, Certified Canine Athlete Advisor (CCAA), and Certified Canine Athlete Specialist (CCAS). He is a graduate of the Sirius Dog Training Academy Dog Trainer (SDTADT), member of the National Dog Groomers Association of America (NDGAA), a Canine Nutritionist & Fresh Food Formulator, Natural Home Remedies & Pet First Aid for Dogs & Cat, Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner (With a Specialization in Dogs). His mixed-technique methodology is based on marker training and has revolutionized dog training by creating a comprehensive and scientific relationship-based curriculum that takes dogs from puppyhood to patrol and everything in between.
He addresses dog behavior, cognition and emotion by utilizing a combination of cutting edge tactical assessments, interactive games and critical analysis to obtain an depth perspective on how a dog thinks, sees the world, and its natural propensities for conducting certain jobs and types of work. He explores the dog’s thinking, learning, and problem-solving abilities that influence much of its behavior to inform his customized curriculum for each dog that he works with.